Viridescent Promise

300 years into the future. Nothing is perfect, because perfect doesn’t exist; there will always be little conflicts, little collapses, little works-in-progress. But we made the right choices, the better choices, and we had time to take action, to heal, to grow. Our cities are greener and bluer. We are no longer strangers to wilderness or wildlife. Fungi, plants, animals, and humans all coexist together, learn together, and we adapt alongside each other. This is the brighter future.

Heed the mistakes of the past, so that one day you too can experience this future.


Project Overview


  • Genre: Platformer

  • Platform: PC

  • Game Engine: Unity

  • My Roles: Artist · Production Assistant


  • Project Duration: 10 Days

  • Team Size: 8


My Contributions

  • Documented and scheduled meetings

  • Edited the game’s itch page and created the game’s marketing assets

  • Managed and organized drive folders for art and game design

  • Created a Pinterest board to ensure all team members had a voice in the game’s aesthetics and to ensure the game would have ludonarrative synergy in all disciplines

  • Created and updated the Trello board to keep track of the game’s progress

  • Wrote and documented the game’s asset list with the game design team

  • Animated player character’s movements in Procreate

  • Drew background and props in Adobe Photoshop


Roses / Amazing

  • We finished our game on time!

  • Our game is adorable and contains a heartfelt message!

  • Players enjoyed our game and found the past levels to be meaningful and funny!

  • Level designers made simple but intuitive blueprints, which helped make designing a breeze!

  • Even though we had a bit of a late start, we scoped perfectly!

Thorns / What could have been better?

  • People were unfamiliar with using Trello, so instead of team members moving their cards - I had to consistently move them every time I was notified that a task was completed.

  • We spent the first few days of the jam brainstorming instead of landing on a concrete idea, which blocked production in all disciplines.

  • Github was accidentally fiddled with the night before the game was due, so the design team had to stay up late and redo all their level designs.

  • Sadly, most of the narrative landed on the cutting room floor due to time restraints.

  • Gameplay controls were not relayed to the rest of the team.

  • Bugs that were unable to be fixed due to GitHub issue.

  • Communication happened in DMs instead of in the group chat!

Buds / What did we learn?

  • Despite the initial headache with Trello, people actually enjoyed using it!

  • Proper and consistent communication would have definitely solved our initial issues!

  • Important to dedicate the last few days of a project to QA.


Dragon Daycare - Producer


Squirrel's First Winter - Producer